REFLECTHOUSE welcomes submissions from architects, designers, artists and anyone who has an opinion or ideas that the world must hear about. We get submissions every week and we do look at them all. However we’re not able to respond to all submissions and it may take a while for us to get back to submissions that we intend to publish, so please be patient.
To write for Reflect House please send us a CV, a brief about yourself and a letter describing why you are interested in writing and getting your voice out there and some examples of your work if you have. Also feel free to have a look at our copyright policy before submitting the material.
REFLECTHOUSE is a good way to promote your work
Note: REFLECTHOUSE has a passionate and opinionated readership and stories attract a lot of comments. While we believe in freedom of speech, we understand that sometimes comments can upset architects and designers who send us their work. We try to moderate comments to keep them reasonable but sometimes we make mistakes. If you submit a story and you think comments are unreasonable or upsetting please drop us a line.
Send your materials to:[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]